Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Social issues raised are critical, for failure to develop appropriate techniques to solve them could mean that there will be no fourth civilization, but a new dark age instead."

"In the past, when unemployment reached such levels, riots, revolutions and great social unrest have occurred. Thus, the rise of modern-day groups of Luddites (machine smashers) or the establishment of totalitarian states in some previously democratic countries are possibilities that cannot be completely dismissed. Passions could run very high during such dislocations, and racial, religious, or political scapegoats could once again be sought. These possibilities (and natural human resistance to change) might argue for a slow transition to complete automation, but the market forces demanding quick action may be too powerful to be tempered by anything short of total societal collapse."

Hitachi Predicts 2-2.5 Terabyte Hard Drive For 2009

2016 - ~ 25 TB

later, ~ 650 TB
"I suppose you could also set up a network, where they share each other's surgeries. Before too long, these robots would all know much more then any human."

Robots Replacing Children

Friday, September 15, 2006

"Applied Perception gets government contract"

Ford cutting thousands of US jobs

Robotic Horse

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Experimental AI Powers Robot Army"

"IBM Technology Translates Arabic Media Broadcasts to English"

"IBM today announced its researchers have developed technology to translate Arabic media broadcasts into English in near real-time."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


"When, in the course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another."
"When a robot needs repair, another robot will bundle it onto a pallet. A robotic forklift will place the pallet on a truck. The truck will drive to a repair facility. The facility will repair the robot with highly automated systems that require no human intervention or supervision. Human beings will not be repairing robots -- robots will."

"By 2015, Brain estimates, about 5 million jobs in the retail sector will be lost to automation."

"Go overseas for cheap surgery"

"Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence"

"Most of what the book describes seems likely to happen this century and to surprise the large fraction of the population which still hasn't given any thought to the possibilities this book describes."

Technocracy Pictures

"Toyota Develops A Robot That Can Jump"

"Dont humans need these jobs?"

"When world production becomes completely operated by robots, no, humans will no longer need these jobs or work. Financial freedom for creativity and leisure I say. The problem here becomes that governments will see citizens as a liability, not an essential working of the economy; considering that they consume productivity but they no longer create it. It's going to require a revamp in the thinking of the economy and government."
"There is so much happening on the medical front. It simply will not be that long before robots handle all health care."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"ROTFL: You don't mean outsourcing doctors?

STEVEMAN: We do. We've analyzed actual doctor-patient encounters and found that very little goes on that requires the doctor to be physically present. You get just as good results with the patient at one end of a high-bandwidth connection, at his HMO in, say, Connecticut, and with the doctor at the other end of the connection in Bangalore. And everything I said about librarians applies to physicians. India has some of the finest medical schools in the world."

Unemployed Doctors

"Communist Robot is a site devoted to alerting the public of the exponential growth of robot technology, the ramifications of this growth and the role that they will be playing in our future. A future that could be bright with a tireless robotic workforce or a future of such despair that it can only be compared to James Cameron's Terminator 2. Be sure to check out the Manifesto, a daunting rant with charts and graphs on which this site stands and the future of humanity may depend. Also, make sure to check out our robots section where you will find a database filled with vast amounts of robot data and media."

"Creator of AIBO to launch dancing humanoid robot"

"Robot Guards Joining Japanese Society"
"Robot guards will soon be a part of everyday life in Japan."
"Google is working with technologies such as statistical machine translation, speech recognition and entity detection. The plan is to leverage what Google "owns" on the Web to learn as many words, and consequent word relations, as possible. That, he says, would enable intuitive, cognitive "conversations" to take place between searcher and search engine."

""We are on our way to learning from more than 1 trillion words procured from public Web pages, where others may have a billion," he says, adding, "there's no data like more data."

Monday, September 11, 2006

"This is a very important problem but it's difficult to solve because of social inertia."

Reviews of My Blog

"Sweet! Will have to check it regularly."

"This is a nice futurism blog dedicated to the development of robotic technology and the ramifications of its application on commerce."
"It's odd that people value a single life so much and a single dollar so little yet we spend most of our lives working to attain money and ignore the prospects in the people around us."
Pilots could be eliminated as early as 2015.
I have already gained a few members in my Technocracy and singularity Facebook groups.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Nature Article: "Brain learns like a robot"

"There was an almost perfect match between the brain signals and the numerical functions used in machine learning."
"Anyone who isn't watching the trends in robot creation is going to be amazed in 10 years."