Thursday, December 07, 2006

The first Allen Brain Atlas of the human neocortex could be ready for release by September 2008 according to a MSNBC article.

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer says health is a hot market for technology and the company is likely to be in the market for a few healthcare-related software companies."

Sunday, December 03, 2006

"The company's software represents not only the most accurate Spanish-to-English translation system ever created but also a major advance in the field of machine translation."

"DARPA launches project that aims to create real-time translation software"

"GALE's goal is to deliver by 2010 software that can almost instantly translate Arabic and Mandarin Chinese with 90 percent to 95 percent accuracy."

"IBM Corp., backed by a $6 billion annual research budget; SRI International, a $300 million, nonprofit research organization based in Silicon Valley; and BBN Technologies Inc., a $200 million research contractor headquartered in Cambridge."
"In a hospital setting, for example, sobots will serve as personal assistants to doctors, moving through a legion of bot bodies, some that check in on patients, others that track doctors through the hospital corridors. 'Within 10 years [2016] robots will be in hospitals providing (triage),' says researcher Park In-Won."