Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Japan launches (yet another) robot R&D extravaganza"

"Japan's NEDO, part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, is throwing a pile of cash at technology that it hopes will enable the country to build better bots over the next decade. Perhaps creating legions of semi-intelligent and compliant drones is exactly the solution to Japan's desperately serious aging problem.

The five-year, ¥1.8 billion plan, which looks like an on-financial-steroids version of the AIST program, is to encourage the development of "next-generation" and service robots, as well as those that can work in challenging environments. Basically it seems that NEDO wants to subsidize makers to network and update Japan's hilariously stupid toy bots so that they can actually do something. For example, looking after grumpy grandpa Tanaka, who doesn't like the idea of a Chinese or Filipino nurse applying ointment to his posterior. Or when Monju melts down again, son-of-R2-D2 can clean up the mess so the government doesn't have to call in liquidators."


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